Creating vlogs is somekind of a meditation. If only I would have all the time in the world to edit all my footages with my camera. Doing regular vlogs is just my wish. Daily maybe?Read more
Oznaka: vokalna
Gig In Switzerland – Day One – TADEY VLOG S02E01
Making vlogs is just so much fun. The main problem is time, it is always lack of time to edit videos. Now I have managed to do this. I hope I`ll do this regulary fromRead more
Hannover Day 2 and 3 – VLOG #35
As I have promised… here it is. Second and third day in Hannover and also the concert day. Both days were great, but the concert was just amazing. Amazing audience and such a great energyRead more
Having rehearsals with Melos day before Christmas and then having Christmas concert in Mohorkova graba. Really fun with friends from Melos. Ines (our no.1 fan) brought us a present – home made calendar of ourRead more
After having a normal day in the office in Ptuj this time at RE/MAX. I went to rehearsal with fellas from Melos and then we went to the concert of our friends from tamburitz orchestra.Read more
Videospot: Vokalna skupina Melos – Stay With Me
V veliko čast in zadovoljstvo mi je predstaviti naš novi videospot Stay With Me, s katerim je tudi izšel istoimenovani singl. Tokrat smo s skupino Melos izbrali angleško skladbo pevca Sama Smitha – Stay with me.Read more
Videospot: Vokalna skupina Melos feat. Katja Kovačič – Dvije Zvjezdice (Tajči A Capella cover)
Pa ga imamo. Videospot namreč. Prvi videospot Vokalne skupine Melos je ugledal luč youtube portala. Veseli in zadovoljni z izdelkom in da se je tako dobro prijel. V spot smo vložili veliko dela, predvsem zRead more
U2 – With Or Without You malenkost drugače
Dobil sem idejo in jo udejanjil. Namreč za našo vokalno skupino Melos na Ptuju sem se odločil napisati priredbo pesmi With Or Without You, ki jo v originalu izvaja znana skupina U2. Kaj je nastalo,Read more