I finally went running in the early morning! It was great! Sporting after a long time. Feeling was amazing. Just me and nature and camera of course 😉 In the evening we had a concertRead more
Oznaka: perpetuum jazzile
D day has come! Day when we had our performance at the Sberbank event at their 175th anniversary. We sang 6 songs and then the party started. Before in the day we went for a walk inRead more
Second day in Moscow and we were ready for our soundcheck at the venue where Sberbank had its event at 175th anniversary of the company. We had some lunch at the Chinese restaurant. I recommend itRead more
We went to Moscow to perform there with the group Perpetuum Jazzile. And on a way there at the security check in Ljubljana, Brnik I’ve forgot about a knife in my backpack… you can imagineRead more
Interesting days ahead. Three concerts in a row in three days. With Perpetuum Jazzile vocal group we had three concerts. This vlog is about the first one in a row. Check the backstage happening, momentsRead more
2 CONCERTS in 1 DAY #6
Day started early in the morning. I traveled from Ptuj to Ljubljana and then to Steinfeld with bus withPerpetuum Jazzile where we had 2 concerts in one day. First at 15.00 and second at 20.00.Read more
Bled, Gorenjska – beautiful Slovenian city with lake and little Island in the lake. It is actually the only Slovenian Island. [su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJkN4udlrQU” height=”340″]
Popotovanje po Kitajski in HongKongu
Popotovanje po Kitajski se nadaljuje. Po uspešnih dveh koncertih v Guangzhou Operni hiši smo naslednji dan naredili check-out iz hotela v Guangzhou. Tokrat smo se razdelili v tri skupine. Prva skupina se je odpravila protiRead more
Na poti na Kitajsko
Ja, na poti na Kitajsko čakamo v Parizu na letališču za let v Guangzhou. Prvi let z Brnika uspešen. Dolga bo pot na vzhod. Za relax je tukaj pri našem “gate-u” klavir in bomo najbržRead more
Perpetuum Jazzile in Dejan Zavec v novem spotu skladbe Titanium
Imamo novega… videospot namreč. Tokrat smo šli v malo bolj moderne in elektronske vode. Z največjim veseljem predstavljam naš nov videospot “Titanium”, v katerega smo povabili tudi našega velikega šampiona. Našemu vabilu se je zRead more
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